General Chiropractic

Everyone has a spine, which means anyone can benefit from chiropractic treatment.

Our chiropractic services detect and remove any interferences within the nervous system. We remove the interference with a detailed examination followed by a manual application and adjustment. Once the interference is removed, the body can function at an optimal level. These issues may result from many causes, including:

  • Physical Trauma: Sports injury, car accident, work injury, etc.

  • Chemical Exposure: Diet, drugs, etc.

  • Emotional Trauma: Stress

Dr. Rich Doss believes that everyone should have the flexibility, mobility, and energy to do the things they love. He has helped families, children, expecting mothers, seniors, and athletes on their journey to improved health and well-being.

Our goal is to allow the body to heal itself using its own intelligent system instead of using prescription painkillers or invasive surgery to cover up the pain. We provide comprehensive chiropractic treatments tailored to each patient’s individual needs to help them improve their health and achieve a better quality of life. To set up an assessment or appointment, contact us today!