
Subluxation occurs when one of the vertebrae in your spine moves out of place. Subluxation compromises many of the spine’s movements and functions, which can wreak havoc on your body over time. Dr. Rich Doss’s chiropractic adjustments can help correct this misalignment and move the vertebrae back into place.

The subluxation can occur at any age and is usually caused by physical impacts, poor diet, or stress. It’s believed to be one of the leading causes of back and neck pain. Treating this condition can also help alleviate headaches, leg pain, scoliosis, tendonitis, and sports injuries. While subluxation symptoms will vary from person to person, common symptoms include:

  • Reduced range of motion

  • Reduced spinal mobility

  • Numbness, pain, or tingling in extremities

  • Soreness, tenderness, or joint pain

  • Spinal muscle spams

  • Spinal muscle tightness

  • Spinal muscle weakness

  • Dizziness or problems balancing


Herniated Disc

A herniated disc, or bulging disc, happens when a disc in the spine protrudes outside the normal radius. Someone with a herniated disc may not even realize they have it until the disc presses against a nerve in the spinal column. This will cause excruciating pain and a loss of range of motion. Pain or discomfort symptoms will typically originate at the disc’s location and travel along the affected nerves. Some common herniated disc symptoms include:

  • Stiffness

  • Tenderness of the spine

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Leg pain

  • Arm pain


Sciatica is a debilitating pain that originates in the lower back and extends down the hips and legs. Around 40% of people will experience sciatica at least once in their lifetime. The pain can vary from minimal to severe intensity. If painkillers and heat packs aren’t helping, it may be time to visit your chiropractor. Chiropractors like Dr. Rich Doss are trained to work with musculoskeletal issues to identify the root cause, not just the symptoms.

A common misconception about sciatica is that it’s a disorder. It’s actually a symptom of a disorder. The irritation of a sciatic nerve generally causes sciatica. It’s the longest nerve in the body, giving it many opportunities to become compressed or irritated. Some of the common causes include the following:

  • Herniated Discs

  • Subluxations

  • Spinal tumors

  • Pregnancy


At one point or another, most people have experienced whiplash. It’s an injury to the neck muscles from a rapid forward and backward movement of the neck caused by physical trauma like a car or ski accident. Whiplash causes short-term neck pain along with restricted neck movement. It can range from a minor annoyance to a severe complication that inhibits you from performing daily tasks. Regardless of the severity, whiplash isn’t something that should be left untreated. Some cases can cause muscle stiffness that results in long-term chronic pain. Dr. Rich Doss will evaluate the patient’s spine as a whole to see if any of the other areas of the spine are affected. Chiropractors may employ some of the following treatments:

  • Chiropractic Adjustment

  • Slow Mobilizing Movements

  • Muscle Relaxation

  • Stretches

Every case of whiplash is different, so chiropractic treatment plans will vary. Dr. Rich Doss will help alleviate neck pain from whiplash and get your mobility back. If you’re in pain, don’t wait; contact us today!